La Speranza wouldn’t exist without the continued support of our donors and sponsors.
La Speranza is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, which means your donations can be tax-deductible. (Tax ID: 87-3050387)
Or send a check to:
La Speranza Music
448 W. 19th Street, #168
Houston TX 77008
Thank you for your support!
2024 -2025 Season and Album Donors
Mikell Becker
Peter and Marsha Bowen
Dori Brown
Michael Brown
Kirsten Chong
Michael Craig
Alejandra Creixell
Judy J. and W. Douglas Crowe
Larry Eshelman
Heather Ann Findlay
Alan Fuqua and Sally Bartolameolli
Diane Lee Freeman
Sharon Giuffre
Irvin and Eileen Hanks
Wanda Harding
Bradley Harmes
Holly Heslep
Ara Karian
Steve and Wendy Kolar
Whei-Mei Lin
Rosemary Malbin
Ron and Yvonne Moran
Arjumand Mubaarak
Elaine Petrulis
James and Barbara Potter
Robert Romero
Corwin Slack
Martha Simpson
Kirk and Phyllis Smith
Stephen Voss and Neil Sackheim
Elizabeth Williams
Rob Wimpelberg and Peter Hodgson
Thank you!
Sponsor a musician
La Speranza’s musicians are at the very heart of our organization. They are responsible for the way music touches our souls during performances, and they work hard to bring audiences a wonderfully authentic finished product.
As an individual or as part of a group, you can sponsor a musician in our 2023-2024 season for a concert or two, or even for the month! Your tax-deductible donation will support the musician of your choice and help cover their fees. Your name will be listed in the program, you’ll receive correspondence from the musician you’ve sponsored, and if you live in Houston, you’ll get to take a photo together after a concert.
Sponsorship Levels
$100 – Sponsor one of our string players for one month of their bi-weekly rehearsals as they prepare for Beethoven on the Bayou.
$250 – Sponsor a musician by covering half of their performance fee for one concert.
$500 – Sponsor a musician for one concert by covering their entire performance fee for one concert.
Scroll up to sponsor a musician online or via check.
Underwrite a concert
Help cover the cost of a concert with your gift. Simply specify the concert you’d like to underwrite when you give. A gift of $1,000 partially underwrites a concert, and a gift of $2,000 fully underwrites a concert.
Scroll up to make your gift!